Saturday, July 30, 2011

Action Research Projected Plan

Mary Thrasher’s Action Research Plan
Goal: iPod Touches in the Co-Teach high school classrooms will increase student achievement and engagement.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with mentor/advisor and technology director

Mary Thrasher, Kathy Hutto, Special Education Director, and  Rhonda Stonecipher, District Technology Coordinator
July 26, 2011
Action Plan and Calendar
Determine how to involve the district technology person to facilitate the district’s technology plan.
Determine which special education teachers at the high school will be involved in the project.

Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, Special Education High School Dept. Chairman
July 28, 2011
Class Rosters and teaching assignments
Determine which teachers serve the highest number of special education students in co-teach class sections.

Create a pre-project survey for both the general education students and special education students involved in co-teach sections in this project. 

Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair, and Michelle Darling, San Marcos High School Principal
August 8, 2011
Completion of survey ready for submission and approval of high school principal.
Gather iPods and carts
Mary Thrasher and Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Char
August 9, 2011
SMHS library and AV room
Identify the number of available iPods and carts.  Make assignments.
Download Literature to the iPods
Mary Thrasher, Kathy Hutto, Special Education Director, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair.
August 10, 2011
English I, II, III, and IV literature selections on CD, iPods and downloading carts.
All literature selections will be downloaded for all English classes.

Meet with Special Education Department, General Education Teachers, and administrative staff to present the action research plan
Mary Thrasher, Kathy Hutto, Special Education Director, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair.
August, 2011
iPods, carts,  Mac laptops, security codes, and action plan
All concerns will be addressed and clarified.  These will be used in conjunction with the teacher surveys to determine exact future professional development and support needed.

Create a blog for this Action Research Project to use with both students and teachers.
Mary Thrasher
August, 2011
Create a name and set up a blog to be used by both students and teachers during project.
Pre-project  survey teachers and students
Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair, and project teachers.
September, 2011
80 – 90% completion of survey by those invited to participate.
Introduce the plan and opportunities to the entire SMHS faculty and staff.
Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, and Michelle Darling
September, 2011
iPods downloaded with the PowerPoint Presentation.
Sheets of teachers and staff in attendance.

Monthly meetings with teachers involved with project
Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, and iPod Project Teachers
Monthly, September – May, 2012
Agenda, Introductions of new apps, sample lessons
Sheets of teachers in attendance.
Monthly classroom observations of iPod usage in the classrooms.
Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, and iPod Project Teachers
Monthly, September – May, 2012
Pre-determined schedule for classroom observations, camera, and iPod/iPad.
Scripted notes, photographs, and videos
Monthly Blog posting for the project
Mary Thrasher
Monthly, September, - May, 2012
Blog site entries
Entries and feedback

Create a post-project survey for both the general education students and special education students involved in co-teach sections in this project. 

Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair, and Michelle Darling, San Marcos High School Principal
April, 2012
Completion of survey ready for submission and approval of high school principal.
Post-project  survey teachers and students
Mary Thrasher, Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair, and project teachers.
April, 2012
80 – 90% completion of survey by those invited to participate.
Evaluate surveys
Mary Thrasher, Kathy Hutto, special education director,  Gail Gonzales, Special Education Dept. Chair, and project teachers..
May, 2012
Survey results from
Survey monkey report with data.  Determine the results of implementing the project.
Presentation of  preliminary Action Research Project results
Mary Thrasher
May, 2012
Data collected, surveys, photos, videos, agendas, etc…
Documentation of results of project.
Written Action Research Project Results
Mary Thrasher
August, 2012
Data collected, surveys, photos, videos, agendas, etc…
Documentation of results of project.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Mary, All I can say is wow. Once again, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty in developing your action research plan. Your plan is very specific but yet detailed every step of the way. As I was reading through your plan, I could actually picture myself along your side every step of the way seeing how your plan would unfold. I cannot think of anything I would say that could help add to your plan. The only thing I can see is mechanics. There are a couple of places that it looks like the information has been duplicated. I’m sure this is a mistake and I had some of the similar problems when trying to copy and paste my plan into my blog. I have listed the entries that look like duplicates:

    Create a pre-project survey for both the general education and special education teachers involved in co-teach sections in this project. August 8, 2011

    Create a post-project survey for both the general education and special education teachers involved in co-teach sections in this project. April 2012

    Again, you did an awesome job on your plan. I hope that it develops as well as you have it planned out.


  2. As always you have thought things through so well. You never cease to amaze me! From what I understand of your plan, I can't think of anything I would change. I like Survey Monkey, so I'm not suggesting you change that in your plan, but I find the options available in creating surveys through a Google account interesting. Here's a link to one that I like.
